Research Highlights
What is the evolution of rubble-pile asteroids? — Avalanches, and the formation of top-shaped asteroids and rubble-pile satellites
December 1, 2022K. Sugiura et al., Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2022
Carbonyl migration along the entire carbonyl chain of sugars highly influences the stability and chirality of sugars
December 1, 2022Ruiqin Yi, Chemistry—A European Journal, 2022
How the origin of life could have arisen from a “Liquid Crystal World”
November 30, 2022Tony Z. Jia et al., Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 2022
Physicochemical properties of reaction microenvironments can inform future prebiotic chemistry experiments
October 31, 2022Tony Z. Jia et al., Life, 2022
ELSI scientists dissect ancient molecular structures in memory of protein evolution pioneer Prof. Dan Tawfik
October 31, 2022Liam M. Longo, Hayate Hirai, Shawn E. McGlynn, Protein Science, 2022
Polyester chemistry highlights possible role of microdroplets in the origin of life
October 19, 2022Rehana Afrin, Tony Z. Jia et al., Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2022
Coacervates as a cradle for the evolution of structured proteins
October 6, 2022Liam Longo et al., Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022
Hayabusa2 samples reveal the formation and evolution of asteroid Ryugu
September 27, 2022Hidenori Genda et al., Science, 2022
Organisation of AbGradCon 2021 and analysis of international and interdisciplinary collaboration in astrobiology
September 21, 2022Tony Z. Jia et al., International Journal of Astrobiology, 2022