ELSI recognises the importance of making science understandable, and engagement with the publics helps develop the scientific capital. The science communication efforts at ELSI started in 2018 with the aim of providing skills to achieve the objectives such as science simply must be open, understandable, and accessible to the masses, rather than hiding behind the doors of offices and university auditoriums. Science needs to be communicated with everyone in an understandable and accessible language.


ELSI has set up formal education in science communication through a course provided within the Earth-Life Science graduate programme. The course is provided in English with the latest trends, tools, and skills that are relevant to science graduate students. The participating students also get hands-on experience during the course by running a project by putting their learning into practice.


ELSI also hosts science communication workshops, symposia, and conferences collaboratively. The Japan SciCom Forum (JSF) is one of the key efforts ELSI supports to bring the science communication community of Japan together annually to network and share best practices by experts.


ELSI hosts several science communication workshops and symposia for researchers and graduate students annually to provide skills that are necessary to communicate their research effectively. ELSI also launched ‘Falling Walls Engage Hub Japan’ in 2022 to develop science engagement activities in Japan and to network with global expertise.