With the Takeda-rika Award for Young Researcher winners and guests and officials. Front row, from left: Professor Yasui (Takeda-rika Award for Young Researcher winner), Associate Professor Fujishima, Assistant Professor Kidokoro (Takeda-rika Award for Young Researcher winner).
Back row, from left: Associate Dean Kamachi (International Collaboration), Ms Kobayashi (guest of honour), Mr Takeda (guest of honour), Dean Kajiwara. Credit: 2023 School of Life Science and Technology

ELSI‘s Associate Professor Kousuke Fujishima received the 2023 Takeda-rika Award for International Achievement from School of Life Science and Technology of Tokyo Tech. At the award ceremony held on 8 December, Prof. Fujishima and two winners of the 2023 Takeda-rika Award for Young Researcher were present.


The Takeda-rika Award for International Achievement and the Takeda-rika Award for Young Researcher at the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s School of Life Science and Technology were established in 2002 and 2017, respectively, with the support of Takeda Rika Kogyo Co., Ltd., with the aim of encouraging international contributions and young researchers’ research in the field of biotechnology.

Prof. Fujishima’s prize was awarded for ‘Function and structure of primitive proteins approached by international collaboration between Japan, Czech Republic and USA’.


The award ceremony was attended by the three winners, Dean Susumu Kajiwara, Associate Dean Toshiaki Kamachi (in charge of social cooperation) and guests of honour Mr Akira Takeda, Senior Managing Director of Takeda Rika Kogyo Co., Ltd, and Ms Yuka Kobayashi, Chief of the Sales Department of the National University of Takeda Rika Kogyo Co., Ltd.